We run the Safe Shores Post Termination / Compassionate Induction Retreats, that offer counselling for women and men who have been through the trauma of abortion / termination or compassionate induction and are struggling with feelings of grief, guilt, loss, shame, anxiety or depression afterwards
It can tear a hole in your heart that feels so deep
Sometimes it seems nothing can fill the emptiness
We can help you with feelings of guilt, grief, anger, shame, numbness at our Award Winning Counselling Retreats
What brought you here today?
What made you visit this page and read these words?
I think you are searching, just as I was, for help
For someone who can truly understand what you are going through, following termination of pregnancy
Someone who will give you more than platitudes
Someone who knows what it can be truly like to live through heavy and dark days
It really is possible
Perhaps though, you don't yet believe it can be possible for you to feel any sort of meaningful inner peace?
We understand
All we need is for you to carry that flicker of hope within you
If you can do that, then we promise you anything is possible
We invite you to take a journey with us today
The destination is Your Own Peace of Mind
Contact me today to see if together, we can start that journey
It's simply not enough to say 'forgive yourself'
You need so much more than a well-meaning phrase posted on a social media page telling you how forgiveness will set you free
You need the tools to enable you to experience your own personal freedom from the daily grind of endless self-destructive thoughts and grief from termination of pregnancy
Together, we will create a heart-led plan that will gently and slowly lead you to a place where you will discover how worthy you are of your own love
I understand that usually the hardest part is making contact
This is why you can get in touch simply, confidentially and without charge to see if together we can create a brighter future for you - Click here to contact us
You may have forgotten what peace is like after a long period of self-punishment
I felt the same following my own termination
I am living proof that life can begin again and that self-love, peace, happiness and even joy are possibilities just waiting for you to experience them
My team and I are waiting for you to reach out with your own story
Make the decision today that you will be willing to do what it takes, to follow the journey that so many other women have already taken and to fully experience the joy that comes from living with peace
Thank you for visiting us today
Our love and hopes are with you
Nadine and the Lighthouses Team x